[Android] Crash occurs when upgrading the Target SDK Version to 28 or above.

Add the below text to the AndroidManifest file. (Refer to the position indicated on the screenshot.)

It should be inserted in <application> </application> tag

 <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />

[Common] Login to SDK fails even after properly entering the client ID. This kind of symptom only occurs for certain accounts.

In order to use SDK normally, client IDs should be first issued and linked. However, users sometimes try to login without issuing and entering a partner / client ID. In these cases, service cannot be used normally with the corresponding account. (Login failure) You should remove scope from the account where login history remains in order to use the service normally. Solutions are indicated below.

※ PC Standards,, 1. Log in and click on My area > My information on the upper right side of the Naver main page

2. Click on Security Settings on the upper tab

3. Connect to external site from the bottom part of the Security Settings page > [Check]

4. Remove the connection from the game where the test is being carried out

[Common] The screen below is displayed when users try to login and the login attempt fails.

Users sometimes ask about login failure while development is ongoing.

Corresponding problems occur when the details for my application do not match with the Android package name or iOS URL scheme. Values that are entered in the box on the image above should be identical with the values that are entered on my application.

When there are several URL schemes in the iOS project, the API call indicated below is required.

[[NCSDKLoginManager getSharedInstance] setNaverLoginURLScheme:@"gLinkSample"];

[Android] Video is not played back on the Android Pie version.

The reason is that it is mandatory to use TLS on Android 9.0. Since http is used on the web for things like images and videos, response to requests might not be received. The first way to solve this problem is by setting usesCleartextTraffic to "true" in the AndroidManifest file.

If you are using network_security_config, you can set the networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config” setting in the manifest like indicated below. Then, you can set cleartextTrafficPermitted="true” in the corresponding file(s)..

[Common] Only domestic cafes are displayed when the plugin is running.

If only domestic things are being displayed in the game that is commonly used in both domestic / global areas, global initialization is omitted frequently. Please allow for calls for initGlobal to be able to initialization in global areas.

[iOS] Naver login will not work for SDK.

1. iOS 9. Issue of canOpenUrl not requesting normally

NaverCafeSDK login uses Naver ID login. When the Naver application is installed, the simple login using Naver Application can be used. From iOS 9 onwards, applications must be registered. You should add the following items to the plist of the lab.


Refer to the Naver ID login developer guide for more details.

2. Naver ID Login URL Scheme not registered Naver ID login URL scheme not registering If you have not registered the URL scheme you have set for Naver ID login to the Xcode project, the login will not be operated properly. Add the URL schemes to Info -> URL Types list.

Check the above and below items and check whether login succeeds or not. If login fails, call for[[NCSDKLoginManager getSharedInstance] setNaverLoginURLScheme:@"scheme setting"];interface or lift the URL scheme for Naver ID login to the upper-most position.

[Unreal] [iOS] The horizontal mode UI is exposed in vertical mode.

- (void)setSDKInfoWithClientId:(NSString *)clientId clientSecret:(NSString *)clientSecret cafeId:(NSInteger)cafeId;
- (void)setGlobalConsumerKey:(NSString *)globalConsumerKey globalConsumerSecret:(NSString *)globalConsumerSecret globalCommunityNo:(NSInteger)globalCommunityNo globalLoungeNo:(NSInteger)globalLoungeNo;

If you set the OrientationIsLandscape api to NO in the two functions above, portrait UI will be displayed.


[[NCSDKManager getSharedInstance] setOrientationIsLandscape:YES];


[[NCSDKManager getSharedInstance] setOrientationIsLandscape:NO];

[Common] While using (previously a global community), it does not run in 4.X versions. does not support 4.X versions. Unfortunately, it only supports 3.X versions and below and new games are connected to the 4.X that is linked with

[Unity] [Android] Mutidex problem occurs in Unity Android.

It sometimes occurs while adding many libraries. multiDex settings should be applied for building. Refer to the link below for more details

unity multi dex reference site

If the problem is not solved after referring to the items above, please try with the method below. It may be different according to unity version, but certain parts have been solved using the link below. Files are extracted from the sample. If you put this file into the project route indicated below, local settings can be applied for Gradle.

Apply the MultiDex settings as indicated in the attached files. Insert the attachment file into the Assets/Plugins/Android/ route in unity project in order to build.

Select Build System - Gradle (New)

If you put the attached files in the route below, the local setting is applied for Gradle. Please copy the attachment files.

첨부 파일은 아래와 같은 구조인데요멀티 덱스 및 플러그 빌드 관련된 내용은 아래와 같습니다. 아래 부분을 현재 프로젝트 구조에 맞게 넣으시고 확인 부탁드립니다.

compile ''

multiDexEnabled true

packagingOptions {
        exclude 'AndroidManifest.xml'
        exclude 'META-INF/maven/'
        exclude 'META-INF/maven/'

[Common] Login fails with the ID entered.

If it is displayed that the game is under development and login fails.

You should change the status value in the Naver developer center.

From Naver developers’ center ( ), go to My Application > Settings > Application Development Status and change the status from "under development" to "service application."

[Android] When the minSDK version is low compiling fails.

In order to make the cafe plugin current, please proceed with the procedures below for the game supporting16 or below. 1) Change the extension for an aar file to a zip and unzip the file to revise minSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

2) Then, compress the file to a zip file and change the file extension to aar. 3) Process it so that users can have access to a cafe SDK running version of 16 or above.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS has occurred in a AFNetworking-related library A.Our service has been developed using ARC. On a project that does not use ARC, a -fobjc-arc option should be added to every library file.

Last updated